Activities at Mount Elgon National Park

Activities at Mount Elgon National Park Mountain Elgon National Park is more known for mountain climbing and nature walks. Apart from reaching the peak, climbing Mount Elgon offers great opportunities to explore a massive caldera, caves, cliffs, gorges, hot springs, mesas and waterfalls. Mount Elgon National Park has a sizeable population of large mammals like…

Mgahinga National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is Uganda’s smallest but most scenic national park, located in Southwestern Uganda in Kisoro district. The park is part of the larger Virunga Conservation area that spreads over the three countries. Each of these countries protects its own portion of the Virungas, in the Volcanoes National Park…

Bwindi National Park

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Bwindi Impenetrable National Park located in southwestern Uganda in Kanungu District on the edge of the Rift Valley. Its mist-covered hillsides are blanketed by Uganda’s oldest and most biologically diverse rain forests called Bwindi forest known for its impenetrability hence the Bwindi impenetrable national park derived, which dates back over 25,000…

Sipi Falls

Sipi Falls The name sipi was derived from the word ‘sep’ which is a name of a wild banana-like indigenous plant that grows along the banks of the Sipi River, this plant can be used as medicine for treating fevers and measles by local people in that area, Sipi Falls lies at an altitude of…

Activities in Lake Bunyonyi

Attraction activities on and around Lake Bunyonyi Bird watching on Lake Bunyonyi is perfect for birding enthusiasts given that the lake is one of the best birding destinations in Uganda as it harbors different 200 species of birds Lake Bunyonyi is a fresh water lake good for swimming experiences since it is free from bilharzias…

Lake Bunyonyi

Lake Bunyonyi Lake Bunyonyi is the name derived from being known with many species little birds. It is such a unique lake because of many overwhelming features found on it and various activities that can be carried within and around the lake. It is known mostly for having great eco-friendly natural vegetation, tall green trees…

Hiking Rules & Regulations for Rwenzori

Hiking Rules & Regulations For Rwenzori Mountains National Park The following are some of the guidelines of DOS and DONTS while at Mountain Rwenzori National Park. The rules aim at conserving the park for present and future generations. Like any other organized institution, the Uganda Government in conjunction with Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and Uganda…

Activities in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

ACTIVITIES IN RWENZORI NATIONAL PARK. Lying on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Rwenzori Mountains are a little-explored range, 120km long and home to six massifs. Also known as the Mountains of the Moon, they are certainly otherworldly. The highest peaks are permanently covered in snow, sheltering glaciers and…

Attractions in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Tourist Attracions in Rwenzori Mountains National Park The park is located in Southwestern Uganda, and has Margherita peak, which is Africa’s third highest, for which it is famous. The Rwenzori mountains National Park in southwestern Uganda, was gazetted in 1991, became UNESCO world heritage site in 1994 as well as a ramsaar site in 2008.…